For UNM students & friends:

Free Peer Editing

Want an extra set of eyes on your work?

  • General Feedback

    I give you feedback on the work overall, ex. theme, strengths, structure and more. I will not go line by line, but rather focus on your entire piece. You will receive an e-mail with my general thoughts and suggestions.

  • Full Draft Edit

    I will go line by line through your draft, focusing on both technique and elements of craft. I will add comments and suggestions via the “suggestion” feature on Google Docs. You will receive a Google Docs link and/or a Word file.

  • 3-Phase Revision Process

    I will work with you through three rounds of full draft edits and/or general feedback to take your work from rough draft to polished final to turn in. You will receive at least 3 files (one per editing round) in Word or Google Docs format. I am also happy to brainstorm ideas, talk through your thoughts and more through synchronous meetings. Additional rounds of edits are available on request after.